Bettina Semmer & Anna Vonnemann
Vernissage 11.9.2024 from 6 pm
Opening hours:
Thur to Sun 12 – 15.9 from 12 – 6 pm
Thur to Sat 19 – 21.9 from 12 – 6 pm
Thur to Sat 26 – 28.9 from 12 – 6 pm
Finissage 28.9 from 6 – 10 pm
tie&draw workshop 28.9 from 6 – 7:30 pm
at roam project space
20 years after their first collaboration under HYPERBAROCK, Anna Vonnemann and Bettina Semmer juxtapose their large-format paintings. The contrast could hardly be greater: on the one hand, large-format floral still lifes in old masterly technique, on the other, gesturally applied dark blue with occasional elements of landscape or figure.
At first glance, Vonnemann’s exuberant flowers are reminiscent of Baroque, but they are strictly conceptualised. This is indicated by the symmetries and repetitions that analyse the painterly style and demonstrate the ability of the human hand to create a machine-like image. To this end, the painterly style must be restrained, as was customary before allaprima painting became established, and the sensuality of the floral splendour, which gladdens our hearts and brightens the mood in any room, contrasts with this conceptual, analytical rigour.
Bettina Semmer’s blue surfaces are also exuberant, but unlike Vonnemann’s, they contain every possible movement of the hand and of chance: her programme is infinity, both of space and possibilities. The pictures deliberately avoid signature style, and are sometimes abstract, sometimes figurative. One falls into the unknown, as if into a deep sea or space; only the body prints keep us in the here and now, reminding us of our fragile human existence. The deep blue universe is also linked to the Baroque: Prussian blue, also known as Berlin blue (and variants as Milori and Paris blue), was created by chance in Berlin in 1709.
Consequently, the series by Vonnemann and von Semmer are, in their way, a memento mori and a celebration of life in the face of deadly threats.
tie&draw workshop 28.9
tie&draw Workshop with Ann Antidote and Lunario – suspended on a movable device, a life model will pose for you. Participants may draw under the artist’s expert guidance or just enjoy the performance. 18:00-19:30, 15€ recommended donation
tie&draw is a workshop format founded by Bettina Semmer, using different locations and model-rigger teams for inspiration. It’s suitable for beginners and professionals equally. Find out more here