A multimedia exhibition by Krassimir Terziev and Ottjörg A.C. at ROAM Berlin from May 25 to June 4, 2023 as part of the Arcadia 2023 Festival; Brave New World.
25.05 – opening 19 – 22 h
26.05 – open 16 – 19 h
28.05 – open 16 – 19 h
01.06 – open 16 – 19 h ; artist talk 19 h
03.06 – performance 18 – 22 h
04.06 – open 16 – 19 h
01.06. there will be an artist talk by Krassimir Terziev and Ottjörg A.C. moderated by Peter Kees at roam project space. The talk is focusing on the creative work of both artists and their current exhibition “Schritt für Schritt ins Paradies” which remains open until 04.06.23.
03.06. there will be a visitor participatory reading / video performance taking place parallel at roam project space and in Edersberg in the context of the Arcadia Festival #3. The performance will be happening in the two locations through a mutually connecting livestream.
The title Schritt für Schritt ins Paradies refers to a song lyric by the group Ton Steine Scherben from 1972:
“Ich Hab Lang Gewartet Und Nachgedacht. Hatte Viele Träume, Und Jetzt Bin Ich Wach.”
“I have waited long and thought. Had Many Dreams, And Now I’m Awake”..
Rio Reiser’s insight: “Nothing separates us from paradise except our fear.”
Now more than 30 years of neo-liberal attempts at individual self-optimization are behind us. These attempts, however, raise doubts whether overcoming fears and blockades will rather open or close paradise.
In the installation in roam, Krassimir Terziev and Ottjörg A.C. conduct a visual dialogue about aspects of privatization, which from its Latin root means the deprivation of public space.
Introducing our next resident at roam, Krassimir Terziev (Sofia, Bulgaria), who is an interdisciplinary artist whose work spans a diversity of media, questioning the boundaries between reality and fiction:
“In his oeuvre Krassimir Terziev has been criticizing the real immediate environment and the possibilities to analyze it. His artist’ gaze glides over the irregularities of contemporary life, but also pushes back to unknown worlds in search of an alternative. He uses all the means of expression to penetrate deeper into the visible spectrum of things – moving image, painting, photography, installation, sculpture. For Terziev, the different perspective turns everyday banal objects into surprising figures with the change of optics. The sharpness of vision and thought includes both aesthetic, social, and political. The author often borrows images, but neither space nor time matters. It is about deeper layers of consciousness, or weaving of the real with the fantasy.”
— text by Maria Vassileva
On the 25th of May, a duo exhibition of Krassimir Terziev and artist Ottjörg A.C. will open at roam project space.
With the support of the Culture Programme of Sofia Municipality
Photos by Andreas Baudisch